Using Forms to Create and Conduct Quizzes von Sonic Performance

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Using Forms to Create and Conduct Quizzes“ von Sonic Performance ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Using Forms to Create Surveys and Quizzes in Microsoft Office 365 (EN)“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. False
  2. True
  1. You can embed the results page in other websites, e.g. Microsoft Sway.
  2. You can share a link to the results page.
  3. You can open an excel file with the results.
  1. It's best practice to always query the e-mail address in order to be able to contact the senders of your survey.
  2. It's best practice to never ask for sensitive personal information such as passwords in a form.
  3. You should only create forms and surveys that comply with your company's guidelines.
  4. You should consider to customize the “thank you” message.
  1. Only in quizzes can you mark questions as mandatory.
  2. A quiz can contain the question type “mathematical equation”. This option does not exist in a form or survey.
  3. Answers can only be marked as correct in quizzes.
  4. Only in quizzes can you provide feedback on response options.
  1. Yes
  2. No

Dozent des Vortrages Using Forms to Create and Conduct Quizzes

 Sonic Performance

Sonic Performance

Sonic Performance Support is a provider of web-based video learning solutions in multiple languages for consumers, corporations of every size, associations and educational institutions.

All videos can be accessed instantly from any computer or mobile device via any browser and come with a human touch. Experienced trainers guide you step-by-step through the software features.


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