The Snowball Effect - Finding and engaging Ideal Clients von Ben Hunt

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „The Snowball Effect - Finding and engaging Ideal Clients “ von Ben Hunt ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Facebook Marketing Made Easy (EN)“. Der Vortrag ist dabei in folgende Kapitel unterteilt:

  • The Snowball Effect
  • Finding Ideal Clients
  • Engaging new Clients

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Start by listing all the businesses you use frequently and already advocate to friends and family. Strike off any that do not score high on the checklist. You may also try looking for businesses that spend on advertising now or mention “follow us on Facebook” but have no activity, yet score high on the checklist.
  2. Start by listing all the businesses you use frequently and already advocate to friends and family. Strike off any that do not score high on the checklist. You may also try looking for businesses that have not spent on advertising yet or that mention “follow us on Facebook” and are active.
  3. Start by listing all the businesses you use frequently and already advocate to friends and family. Strike off any that do not score high on the checklist. You may also try looking for businesses that spend on advertising now or mention “follow us on Twitter” but have no activity, yet score high on the checklist.
  4. Start by listing all the businesses you use frequently and already advocate to friends and family. Strike off any that do not score high on the checklist. By then you should have found several businesses.
  1. Offer a low-risk, easy-out trial and use some of your first fee buy reach/likes.
  2. Inspire them with what is possible even with modest investment.
  3. Continue with a flexible weekly or monthly arrangement.
  4. You need to ensure you can show value that exceeds the client’s investment.
  5. Write reports with detailed prescriptions of the campaigns.

Dozent des Vortrages The Snowball Effect - Finding and engaging Ideal Clients

 Ben Hunt

Ben Hunt

For 20 years Ben Hunt has has designed successful web sites for a number of marketing and branding agencies, and has crafted user experiences for some of the world's busiest sites. As a consultant, he has served clients in Europe, North America, Africa, and Australia. Ben's web design tutorials have been read by millions, and he is recognized as one of the most influential figures in web design, usability, and conversion optimisation. He has written two ground-breaking books. The first "Save the Pixel - the Art of Simple Web Design" (2008) set the standard for simple design for the web. Ben's second book, "Convert! Designing Web Sites to Increase Traffic and Conversion" (Wiley, 2011) is the result of two years of intensive research and testing into what really makes web sites sell. It is one of the highest-rated marketing books on He is now dedicated to showing site owners and designers exactly how to make their web sites make more money - by attracting more traffic and converting visitors into customers with powerful emotional experiences. In 2012, Ben created the world's most comprehensive course in web design and marketing, the Pro Web Design Course. The course has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs to master online marketing and create new web design businesses. Ben is a passionate and entertaining presenter, and has presented at multiple web marketing seminars in the UK, USA, and Europe, including Ken McCarthy's final System Seminar, Drayton Bird's European Academy of Direct and Interactive Marketing, and Tim Ash's Conversion Conference.


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