How People Respond to Change by Tony Hunt

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About the Lecture

The lecture How People Respond to Change by Tony Hunt is from the course Change Management Training (EN). It contains the following chapters:

  • Introduction and recap
  • A model for all change
  • Factors that affect our response to change
  • Important information and tipps
  • need to understand

Included Quiz Questions

  1. Denial
  2. Resistance
  3. Grudging acceptance
  4. Reverse the process
  1. Our family
  2. Social groups
  3. Our habitual behaviour
  4. Change is unaffectable
  1. If they will be swayed by others in their peer group
  2. If they will keep their jobs
  3. If they can earn more money
  4. If they are able to get out of their contract
  1. By bulletins
  2. By giving presentations
  3. Through focus-groups
  4. Via online message boards

Author of lecture How People Respond to Change

 Tony Hunt

Tony Hunt

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