
Hemolytic Anemia: Clinical Features

by Carlo Raj, MD

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    00:00 What I’m going to do here, ladies and gentlemen, I’m going to name a feature, you will tell me if it’s intra or extravascular hemolysis.

    00:07 Are you ready? Hemoglobinemia equals hemoglobinuria, intra or extravascular? Intra.

    00:16 Good.

    00:17 Jaundice, significant jaundice, intra or extra, tell me? Extra.

    00:24 I said significant jaundice.

    00:26 Good.

    00:27 Decreased serum haptoglobin, intra or extra? Intra.

    00:33 Good.

    00:34 Why? Hemoglobin’s released.

    00:36 It binds to haptoglobin.

    00:39 Haptoglobin levels will decrease in intravascular.

    00:42 LDH, non-specific.

    00:46 Pigment stones, cholelithiasis, extravascular, are you with me? Good job.

    00:54 Hepatosplenomegaly, more so in which type of hemolysis? I can’t hear you.

    01:00 Extravascular, nice job!.

    01:01 All right, so go through these clinical features see if you’ve understood everything that I’ve talked about, you should be able to go through this quickly, bam, bam, bam.

    01:09 If you’re not able to do that, that’s okay.

    01:11 Go back to the previous discussion and lay it on the foundation before we move on.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Hemolytic Anemia: Clinical Features by Carlo Raj, MD is from the course Hemolytic Anemia – Red Blood Cell Pathology (RBC).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Decreased haptoglobin levels are observed in intravascular hemolysis
    2. Decreased haptoglobin levels are observed in extravascular hemolysis
    3. Increased haptoglobin levels are observed in extravascular hemolysis
    4. Increased haptoglobin levels are observed in intravascular hemolysis
    5. Haptoglobin levels do not change during hemolysis.

    Author of lecture Hemolytic Anemia: Clinical Features

     Carlo Raj, MD

    Carlo Raj, MD

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