
Healthcare Disparities (SOC)

by Tarry Ahuja, PhD

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    00:00 Let’s talk about our Healthcare System and some of the disparity that we see.

    00:04 Is everybody getting the exact access to care? Is it consistent across the board? And the answer is no.

    00:10 So, Healthcare disparity includes the population specific differences in the presence of disease, health outcomes and the quality of healthcare across different social groups.

    00:19 So, the disparity is seen across the following social factors.

    00:22 The biggest just being Socioeconomic Status.

    00:25 So, we know that as socioeconomic status increases, if you’re higher SES, access and quality healthcare increases.

    00:32 and the opposite holds through for low SES.

    00:34 There’s a better access as quality of healthcare tends can be found in affluent areas.

    00:40 If you live in a rich neighborhood, usually have better doctors, better resources, better hospitals.

    00:45 And poor living conditions with low SES, there is usually poor diet right? So, they’re not eating as well. And as a result that’s going to lead to poor health outcomes.

    00:56 And when we use that term health outcomes, we’re talking about over all health, we’re talking about the different measures that we would have weight, cardiac functionalities, different things that we’d attribute to you being healthy.

    01:10 Now, those in these low SES environments tend to have some in called Food desserts.

    01:15 And this is sociological turns thats thrown around representing the fact that there’s not a lot of market space with people selling fresh produce and a lot of grocery stores, just more on fast-food restaurants, place that you pop in and grab something burgers, fries that kind of stuff.

    01:31 And so, they not getting great home cook meals which again is going to lead to poor health outcomes.

    01:36 Lowest SES individuals take more on dangerous jobs or jobs that put their health at risk.

    01:42 They are going to take whatever job they can get. They don’t have the higher education And therefore, they a lot of manual labor medial jobs which can be harder on the body and a greater risk for injury.

    01:51 Low on the SES scale, they cannot afford extended healthcare or costly treatments.

    01:55 If they do get hurt, if they do get sick, they don’t have that extended coverage that allows them to get better care and they sometimes can’t afford the medicines and treatments that they actually need.

    02:06 Race is another contributor. And we know that visual minorities in the States we have the African- American’s, Hispanics and Natives.

    02:13 They tend to have higher morbidity, mortality and illness rates.

    02:17 Morbidity refers to expression of disease, mortality is death and in other illnesses.

    02:22 So, this same individuals have poor access to care and or quality care.

    02:25 and a lot of times race and SES scale go hand and hand.

    02:30 So, those that are at visual minority tend to fall lower on the SES scale.

    02:33 Not always but we’re looking at broad trans.

    02:37 In terms of gender, we’re looking at men who have a lower self- report of illness and use less healthcare resources.

    02:43 So, this is means after getting sick less, they just report at less. Therefore, using the system less.

    02:49 We also know that there’s a disproportion amount of resources and research sent around understanding diseases for men.

    02:56 So, that tends to be a lot of focus on a disease and the impact that men have and what is having on men.

    03:03 And so, the information, the rule out, the resources and treatments are we hang our hats serve on men as a subjects.

    03:13 So, we can see that obviously, not all parties within our social stratification have equal access to healthcare and different portions of our population have different levels of health.

    03:26 And so, depending on where you fall on that socioeconomic scale, gender or race that can be impacted.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Healthcare Disparities (SOC) by Tarry Ahuja, PhD is from the course Social Inequality.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. They increase.
    2. They shift to the next level.
    3. They decrease.
    4. They are unchanged.
    5. They diminish constantly.
    1. Poor living conditions
    2. Access to extended health care facilities
    3. Safe job
    4. Diet with whole grains and plenty of vegetables
    5. Fulfilling employment

    Author of lecture Healthcare Disparities (SOC)

     Tarry Ahuja, PhD

    Tarry Ahuja, PhD

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