
Neurology Question Set 1

by Lecturio USMLE

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    About the Lecture

    The lecture Neurology Question Set 1 by Lecturio USMLE is from the course Neurology – Board-Style Questions.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein
    2. High Density Lipoprotein cholesterol
    3. Chylomicron
    4. Very Low Density Lipoprotein
    5. Lipoprotein lipase
    1. Glucose: ↓, Proteins: ↑, Cells: 90% neutrophils, Lactic Acid (mmol/l): 4.5
    2. Glucose: ↔, Proteins: ↑, Cells: 10% lymphocytes, Lactic Acid (mmol/l): 3.0
    3. Glucose: ↑, Proteins: ↑, Cells: 90% neutrophils , Lactic Acid (mmol/l): 3.3
    4. Glucose: ↓, Proteins: ↑, Cells: 10% lymphocytes, Lactic Acid (mmol/l): 2.8
    5. Glucose: ↑, Proteins: ↑, Cells: 90% neutrophils , Lactic Acid (mmol/l): 4.3
    1. Cortical Lewy Bodies
    2. Lewy Bodies in affected neurons
    3. Tau protein aggregates in Cortex
    4. Spongiform Changes in Cortex
    5. Neuritic plaques in Cortex
    1. Abnormal cleavage of amyloid precursor protein
    2. Depigmented substantia nigra and locus cerulus
    3. α-synuclein defect
    4. Trinucloetide repeat
    5. Prion infection

    Author of lecture Neurology Question Set 1

     Lecturio USMLE

    Lecturio USMLE

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