Overview, Isoprenoids and Sterols – Lipids by Kevin Ahern, PhD

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About the Lecture

The lecture Overview, Isoprenoids and Sterols – Lipids by Kevin Ahern, PhD is from the course Biochemistry: Basics.

Included Quiz Questions

  1. They are made from isoprenoids.
  2. They are not found in plants.
  3. They are most commonly found in the cytoplasm of cells.
  4. They are made from ketone bodies.
  5. They are made from two six-carboned precursor molecules.
  1. Fatty acids
  2. Carbohydrates
  3. Amino acids
  4. Starches
  5. Collagen

Author of lecture Overview, Isoprenoids and Sterols – Lipids

 Kevin Ahern, PhD

Kevin Ahern, PhD

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