Osteology – Thorax Muscles and Thoracic Wall by Craig Canby, PhD

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About the Lecture

The lecture Osteology – Thorax Muscles and Thoracic Wall by Craig Canby, PhD is from the course Abdominal Wall with Dr. Canby.

Included Quiz Questions

  1. 1st to 7th ribs
  2. 2nd to 8th ribs
  3. 5th to 12th ribs
  4. 1st to 9th ribs
  5. All are true ribs.
  1. Ribs 11 and 12
  2. Ribs 9 and 10
  3. Ribs 8 and 9
  4. Ribs 5 and 6
  5. Ribs 9, 10, 11, and 12
  1. At the angle
  2. At the tubercle
  3. At the neck
  4. At the head
  5. At the costal groove
  1. 1st
  2. 2nd
  3. 3rd
  4. 4th
  5. 5th
  1. Angle of Louis
  2. Angle of movement
  3. Angle of scapula
  4. Angle of clavicle
  5. Angle of xiphoid
  1. Rib 8
  2. Rib 10
  3. Rib 7
  4. Rib 11
  5. Rib 12
  1. Rib 1
  2. Rib 12
  3. Rib 7
  4. Rib 9
  5. Rib 10

Author of lecture Osteology – Thorax Muscles and Thoracic Wall

 Craig Canby, PhD

Craig Canby, PhD

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