Muscles – Thorax Muscles and Thoracic Wall by Craig Canby, PhD

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About the Lecture

The lecture Muscles – Thorax Muscles and Thoracic Wall by Craig Canby, PhD is from the course Abdominal Wall with Dr. Canby.

Included Quiz Questions

  1. Pectoralis minor
  2. Pectoralis major
  3. Subclavius
  4. Serratus anterior
  5. Levator costarum
  1. Subcostal
  2. External intercostal
  3. Internal intercostal
  4. Innermost intercostal
  5. Transversus thoracis
  1. Pectoralis major
  2. Deltoid
  3. Serratus anterior
  4. Subclavius
  5. Intercostal
  1. Medial pectoral nerve
  2. Thoracic nerves
  3. Lateral pectoral nerve
  4. Axillary nerve
  5. Intercostal nerves
  1. Subclavius
  2. Pectoralis major
  3. Pectoralis minor
  4. Serratus anterior
  5. Serratus posterior
  1. Intercostal nerves
  2. Lateral pectoral nerve
  3. Medial pectoral nerve
  4. Axillary nerve
  5. Thoracic nerve
  1. Serratus anterior and subclavius
  2. External oblique and subclavius
  3. Serratus anterior and external oblique
  4. Serratus posterior and external oblique

Author of lecture Muscles – Thorax Muscles and Thoracic Wall

 Craig Canby, PhD

Craig Canby, PhD

Customer reviews

3,0 of 5 stars
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Highly recommended
By Baban A. on 17. May 2020 for Muscles – Thorax Muscles and Thoracic Wall

You did an amazing hard work to creat this great lecture. You could involve the most important information in only 14 minutes and the same time the lecture is very simple and interesting. Thank you very much professor Craig Canby

Bad Lecture
By Andres R. on 10. September 2019 for Muscles – Thorax Muscles and Thoracic Wall

I consider it a ery shallow lecture, with very little info about costal attachemnts of the intercostal muscles, they don even show a sagital cut of the ribs to understand better the intercostal muscle attachemnts and origin.

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