Metabolic Wizardry – Introduction to Microbiology by Vincent Racaniello, PhD

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About the Lecture

The lecture Metabolic Wizardry – Introduction to Microbiology by Vincent Racaniello, PhD is from the course Microbiology: Introduction.

Included Quiz Questions

  1. Many bacteria derive energy from inorganic material.
  2. Bacteria have developed light-independent photosynthesis.
  3. Most bacteria can form spores that grow in harsh environments.
  4. Many bacteria can convert heat to energy.
  5. Bacteria can use decayed organic material, instead of photosynthesis, for energy.
  1. Sulfuric acid
  2. Carbon dioxide
  3. Inorganic material
  4. Sodium chloride
  5. Oxygen

Author of lecture Metabolic Wizardry – Introduction to Microbiology

 Vincent Racaniello, PhD

Vincent Racaniello, PhD

Customer reviews

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introduced a whole new world
By silvya i. on 22. October 2019 for Metabolic Wizardry – Introduction to Microbiology

sir , the way you talk about microbes ,inspire me to learn more.