Introduction and Diaphragm – Posterior Abdominal Wall by James Pickering, PhD

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About the Lecture

The lecture Introduction and Diaphragm – Posterior Abdominal Wall by James Pickering, PhD is from the course Abdomen [Archive].

Included Quiz Questions

  1. Transversus abdominis
  2. Quadratus lumborum
  3. Psoas major
  4. Iliacus
  5. Psoas minor
  1. Lateral flexion of the vertebral column
  2. Extension of the thigh
  3. Flexion of the thigh
  4. Medial rotation of the vertebral column
  5. Medial rotation of the thigh
  1. L2, L3, and L4
  2. L1 and L2
  3. L2 and L3
  4. L4 and L5
  5. L3 and L4
  1. Vagus nerve
  2. Left phrenic nerve
  3. Internal thoracic artery
  4. Greater splanchnic nerve
  5. Thoracic duct
  1. Diaphragm
  2. Iliac crest
  3. First lumbar vertebra
  4. 11th rib
  5. Psoas muscle

Author of lecture Introduction and Diaphragm – Posterior Abdominal Wall

 James Pickering, PhD

James Pickering, PhD

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