Inguinal Canal – Abdominal Walls and Inguinal Canal by Craig Canby, PhD

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About the Lecture

The lecture Inguinal Canal – Abdominal Walls and Inguinal Canal by Craig Canby, PhD is from the course Abdominal Wall with Dr. Canby.

Included Quiz Questions

  1. Rectus abdominis muscle
  2. Transversus abdominis muscle
  3. Inguinal ligament
  4. Inferior epigastric vessels
  5. Internal oblique muscle
  1. External oblique muscle
  2. Internal oblique muscle
  3. Transversus abdominis muscle
  4. Rectus muscles
  5. Iliopsoas muscle
  1. Spermatic cord
  2. Round ligament
  3. Broad ligament
  4. Lymphatics
  5. Femoral artery
  1. Internal oblique muscle
  2. External oblique muscle
  3. Rectus muscle
  4. Transversus abdominus muscle
  1. Lateral border of the rectus sheath
  2. Superior epigastric vessels
  3. Medial border of the rectus sheath
  4. Femoral artery
  5. Inferior epigastric vessels
  1. Direct inguinal hernia
  2. Indirect inguinal hernia
  3. Femoral hernia
  4. Umbilical hernia
  5. Supraumbilical hernia

Author of lecture Inguinal Canal – Abdominal Walls and Inguinal Canal

 Craig Canby, PhD

Craig Canby, PhD

Customer reviews

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good lecture overall
By Edward K. on 27. August 2017 for Inguinal Canal – Abdominal Walls and Inguinal Canal

good lecture- lost a star because illustrations are in latin. I do appreciate latin is completely acceptable to use in the context of anatomy, but in practice nobody uses latin terms and it feels outdated and counter-productive to learn the latin nomenclature. It would be much easier to follow if everything was in english ; a small point but it did slow me down when following this lecture.

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