Deep Back Muscles – Back Muscles by Craig Canby, PhD

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About the Lecture

The lecture Deep Back Muscles – Back Muscles by Craig Canby, PhD is from the course Abdominal Wall with Dr. Canby.

Included Quiz Questions

  1. Serratus posterior superior muscle
  2. Serratus posterior inferior muscle
  3. Splenius capitis muscle
  4. Levator scapulae muscle
  5. Rhomboid major muscle
  1. Iliocostalis
  2. Longissimus
  3. Spinalis
  4. Multifidus
  1. Posterior rami of the spinal nerves
  2. Anterior rami of the spinal nerves
  3. The lower intercostal nerves
  4. Anterior rami of the thoracic nerves
  5. Posterior rami of the thoracic nerves
  1. Mastoid process of the skull
  2. Occiput
  3. Maxillary process
  4. 1st cervical vertebra
  5. 2nd cervical vertebra
  1. Extension of the back
  2. Flexion of the neck
  3. Rotation of the neck
  4. Rotation of the back
  5. Flexion of the back
  1. Deep group
  2. Superficial group
  3. Intermediate group
  4. Paraspinal group
  5. Segmental group
  1. Lateral flexion to the ipsilateral side
  2. Lateral flexion to the contralateral side
  3. Axial rotation to the ipsilateral side
  4. Axial rotation to the contralateral side
  5. Flexion of the spine
  1. Extension of the spine
  2. Lateral flexion to the ipsilateral side
  3. Lateral flexion to the contralateral side
  4. Flexion of the spine
  5. Rotation of the head to the ipsilateral side
  1. Spinous process
  2. Transvers process
  3. Vertebral body
  4. Interspinous ligament
  5. Lamina

Author of lecture Deep Back Muscles – Back Muscles

 Craig Canby, PhD

Craig Canby, PhD

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