Center of Mass by Jared Rovny, PhD

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About the Lecture

The lecture Center of Mass by Jared Rovny, PhD is from the course Force.

Included Quiz Questions

  1. The mass of an object is equally distributed around its center of mass.
  2. The mass of an object is strongest at the center of mass.
  3. The center of mass is at the geometric center of an object.
  4. The center of mass is always located inside the object.
  5. The center of mass is the where most of the mass is concentrated.
  1. x꜀ = (m₁x₁ + m₂x₂ + m₃x₃) / (m₁ + m₂ + m₃)
  2. x꜀ = m₁x₁ + m₂x₂ + m₃x₃
  3. x꜀ = (x₁ + x₂ + x₃) / (m₁ + m₂ + m₃)
  4. x꜀ = (m₁² x₁ + m₂² x₂ + m₃² x₃) / (m₁ + m₂ + m₃)²
  5. x꜀ = (m₁x₁² + m₂x₂² + m₃x₃²) / (m₁x₁ + m₂x₂ + m₃x₃)

Author of lecture Center of Mass

 Jared Rovny, PhD

Jared Rovny, PhD

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