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Brain, Mind & Body (EN) (release in progress)

By Dr. Dr. Damir del Monte (2)

Today, we see the human being as a unit that achieves its balance through the balanced interaction of all body systems. The brain and thus the entire nervous system — as the carrier of the psychological — brings all elements together. In order to better understand the complex and integrating functioning of the brain, it is necessary to integrate the neuro-biological basics into broader functional contexts. Thus, among other things, developmental neurobiology, the molecular influence of environment and experience, the interplay of the brain with other functional systems (immune system, hormone system) and overall the interplay of brain, mind, body and environment become significant. The courses in this package (developmental neurobiology, epigenetics, brain & puberty) introduce you to precisely these areas of knowledge and expand the spectrum in the sense of a bio-psycho-social view of the brain and the human organism as a whole.

This course will be completed soon.

*Course is excluded from discount offers.


play symbol Developmental Neurobiology – Introduction (EN)
lecture locked Insights into Embryology (EN)
lecture locked Neurogenesis (EN)
lecture locked Migration, Differentiation and Stabilization (EN)
lecture locked Developmental Neurobiology – Summary (EN)
play symbol Epigenetics (EN)
play symbol Puberty and Adolescence (EN)
lecture locked Puberty: The Brain, Hormones and the Evolutionary Leap (EN)
lecture locked The Ups and Downs of Neurons and Synapses (EN)
lecture locked Puberty and the Reward System (EN)
lecture locked Adolescence: Brain, Rhythms and Vulnerability (EN)
lecture locked Adolescence: Departure, Reconnection and Ego Strength (EN)


  • Included lectures: 12
  • Duration: 1:31 h

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Authors of course Brain, Mind & Body (EN) (release in progress)

Dr. Dr. Damir del Monte (2)

Dr. Dr. Damir del Monte (2)

Dr. phil. Dr. scient. med. Damir del Monte initially studied psychology at the Universities of Hanover and Cologne. His research focussed on psychotraumatology and learning research and was carried out at the Institute for Clinical Psychology at the University of Cologne under Prof. Gottfried Fischer. In addition to scientific work, clinical training in psycho- and body-therapeutic methods (causal psychotherapy according to Fischer, MPTT, EMDR, Brainspotting, sports therapy), as well as specialisation in psychotrauma and pain therapy follow.

This was followed by studies in medical science at the University of Heidelberg and the Paracelsus Medical Private University in Salzburg. Dr. Dr. del Monte works as a scientist at the Institute for Synergetics and Psychotherapy Research at the PMU Salzburg (headed by Prof. Schiepek) in the field of "Neuroscientific Therapy and Depression Research". As a lecturer for "Functional Neuroanatomy" and "Neurobiology of Psychotherapy" he holds teaching positions at various universities in Germany, Austria and Slovenia. As a keynote speaker, Dr. Dr. del Monte is internationally kindly regarded and holds lectures and seminars in numerous countries. For more information, please visit


Studium und Promotion absolviert Dr. phil. Dr. scient. med. Damir del Monte zunächst im Fach Psychologie an den Universitäten Hannover und Köln. Die Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen dabei in den Bereichen Psychotraumatologie- und Lernforschung und finden am Institut für Klinische Psychologie der Universität zu Köln bei Prof. Gottfried Fischer ihre Umsetzung. Neben der wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeit erfolgen klinische Ausbildungen in psycho- und körpertherapeutischen Verfahren (Kausale Psychotherapie nach Fischer, MPTT, EMDR, Brainspotting, Sporttherapie), sowie Spezialisierungen in der Psychotrauma- und Schmerztherapie.

Es folgt ein Studium der Medizin-Wissenschaft an der Universität Heidelberg und der Paracelsus Medizinischen Privatuniversität Salzburg. Dr. Dr. del Monte ist als Wissenschaftler am Institut für Synergetik und Psychotherapieforschung der PMU Salzburg (Leitung Prof. Schiepek) im Bereich "Neurowissenschaftliche Therapie- und Depressions-Forschung" tätig. Als Dozent für "Funktionelle Neuroanatomie" und "Neurobiologie der Psychotherapie" bekleidet er Lehraufträge an verschiedenen Universitäten in Deutschland, Österreich und Slowenien. Als Keynote-Speaker genießt Dr. Dr. del Monte internationales Ansehen und hält Vorträge und Seminare in zahlreichen Ländern. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter


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