Blood Supply – Arterial Supply to the GI Tract by James Pickering, PhD

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About the Lecture

The lecture Blood Supply – Arterial Supply to the GI Tract by James Pickering, PhD is from the course Abdomen [Archive].

Included Quiz Questions

  1. T12
  2. T6
  3. T8
  4. T10
  1. Celiac trunk
  2. Superior mesenteric artery
  3. Inferior mesenteric artery
  4. Splenic artery
  5. Common hepatic artery
  1. L3
  2. T12
  3. L1
  4. L2
  5. L4
  1. Superior mesenteric
  2. Celiac trunk
  3. Thoracic aorta
  4. Abdominal aorta
  5. Inferior mesenteric

Author of lecture Blood Supply – Arterial Supply to the GI Tract

 James Pickering, PhD

James Pickering, PhD

Customer reviews

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very fast - too quick-
By Syed Wajahat Hussain S. on 27. April 2022 for Blood Supply – Arterial Supply to the GI Tract

too fast. brief with no details or better pictures. Poor clarification of individual arteries and revision to supply

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