Blood Supply and Innervation – Breast by Craig Canby, PhD

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About the Lecture

The lecture Blood Supply and Innervation – Breast by Craig Canby, PhD is from the course Abdominal Wall with Dr. Canby.

Included Quiz Questions

  1. Axillary, internal thoracic, and intercostal
  2. Axillary, femoral, and popliteal
  3. Internal thoracic, intercostal, and brachial
  4. Axillary and brachial
  5. Axillary, brachial, and femoral
  1. Axillary lymph nodes
  2. Parasternal lymph nodes
  3. Breast lymph nodes
  4. Internal mammary lymph nodes
  5. Thoracic lymph nodes
  1. Medial to the pectoralis minor
  2. Lateral to the pectoralis minor
  3. Beneath the pectoralis minor
  4. Medial to the pectoralis major
  5. Lateral to the pectoralis major
  1. Internal mammary lymph nodes
  2. Axillary lymph nodes
  3. Cervical lymph nodes
  4. Thoracic lymph nodes
  5. Intercostal lymph nodes
  1. Axillary nodes
  2. Parasternal nodes
  3. Abdominal nodes
  4. Intercostal nodes
  5. Subclavian nodes

Author of lecture Blood Supply and Innervation – Breast

 Craig Canby, PhD

Craig Canby, PhD

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