Health and Wellness for your Career by Gary Mertz

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About the Lecture

The lecture Health and Wellness for your Career by Gary Mertz is from the course 5 Behaviors of Healthy People. It contains the following chapters:

  • Introduction
  • Maslow's theory
  • The aging workforce
  • Professional Performance
  • The Business Cycle

Included Quiz Questions

  1. The reason why we strive to succeed and win at all cost
  2. The aim or goal of a person : what a person is trying to do and/or become
  3. The feeling of being determined to do or achieve something
  4. The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists
  1. All of them
  2. Your professional value proposition
  3. Your charisma
  4. Your healthy physical appearance
  1. All of them
  2. Physical performance
  3. Mental performance
  4. Emotional performance

Author of lecture Health and Wellness for your Career

 Gary Mertz

Gary Mertz

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