WordPress - Content Protection by Eduonix Learning Solutions

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About the Lecture

The lecture WordPress - Content Protection by Eduonix Learning Solutions is from the course WordPress Security Tutorial. It contains the following chapters:

  • Secure HTML5 Video Player
  • Password protected Directorys
  • No Right Click Images Plugin
  • WP-Copright-Protection Plugin

Included Quiz Questions

  1. 8
  2. 4
  3. 6
  4. 10
  1. Add a site to the site manager and choose the SFTP option
  2. Add your host, username and password in the login bar
  3. Click on “Quick Connect” and login
  4. Add a site to the site manager and choose the FTP option
  1. Database name
  2. Database password
  3. Database Prefix
  4. Wordpress admin password
  5. Wordpress admin username
  1. wp-config.php
  2. configuration.php
  3. config.php
  4. wp-configuration.php
  1. Files and database
  2. Files
  3. Database
  4. Files and Email accounts
  1. Spam protection
  2. Brute force protections
  3. DDos Attack protection
  4. SQL Injection protection
  1. _wp
  2. _wordpress
  3. _wps
  4. _wrdpress
  5. _press
  1. True
  2. False
  1. Better WP Security
  2. Limit Login Attempts
  3. Brute Force Protect
  4. WP Secure
  5. Security Plus
  1. Enable friendly permalinks in WP admin
  2. Just install Wordpress
  3. Create a Wordpress Post
  4. Enable “show .htaccess” in WP admin

Author of lecture WordPress - Content Protection

 Eduonix Learning Solutions

Eduonix Learning Solutions

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