Add Cross-References by Sonic Performance

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About the Lecture

The lecture Add Cross-References by Sonic Performance is from the course Sections, Columns, Headers, Footers and Footnotes in Word 2010. It contains the following chapters:

  • Introduction Add Cross-References
  • Update Cross-References

Included Quiz Questions

  1. sections can be formatted independently of one another
  2. different sections can have different headers and footers
  3. the section number is shown in word by default
  1. a section break is inserted
  2. a column adjustmen is made automatically
  3. the column width cannot subsequently be adjusted
  1. it is not possible to save one's own headers or footers
  2. due to the height of headers and footers, photographs cannot be inserted
  3. word suggests integrated headers or footers
  1. differ mainly in the position of the descriptive text
  2. can begin with any desired number
  3. can be found under the "insert"tab on the ribbon

Author of lecture Add Cross-References

 Sonic Performance

Sonic Performance

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