Learning at work (part 3): the role of stress, sleep & motivation by Michael Schmitz

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About the Lecture

The lecture Learning at work (part 3): the role of stress, sleep & motivation by Michael Schmitz is from the course Success Factors at Work. It contains the following chapters:

  • Sport: The decision maker
  • Stress is your friend
  • Use your senses, grow yourself
  • Recognize gaps, ask questions
  • Skills in practice: Learning at work

Included Quiz Questions

  1. our brain needs oxygen to keep neurons alive, and sportive people have wider blood vessels that allow more neurons to be active at the same time.
  2. we receive more oxygen and can then retrieve information more quickly.
  3. our brain needs oxygen to keep neurons alive, and sportive people have tighter blood vessels that allow less neurons to be active at the same time.
  4. sport requires us to make decisions under pressure.
  1. It can only be positive.
  2. It can be positive and negative. Negative stress will lead our brain to prioritize our muscles and to provide less sugar and oxygen to our brain - we become less intelligent, but better at running away
  3. It removes one brain cell after another and can never be positive.
  4. It is a motivating factor and very useful, but we can only handle a limited amount of stress.
  1. should be deeply involved in creating memories. The more senses are involved, the more channels for retrieval are available.
  2. are ranked. Our sense of smell and touch are superior, followed by our visual sense.
  3. are limited, we need to focus on visual understanding through reading.
  4. should be deeply involved in creating memories. They require us to use one key learning technique, which is superior to everything else.

Author of lecture Learning at work (part 3): the role of stress, sleep & motivation

 Michael Schmitz

Michael Schmitz

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