Project Time Management by Grey Campus

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About the Lecture

The lecture Project Time Management by Grey Campus is from the course Project Management Professional. It contains the following chapters:

  • Section Overview and Objectives
  • Schedule Management Plan - Outputs
  • Sequence Activities
  • Estimate Activity Resource
  • Develop Schedule
  • Control Schedule

Included Quiz Questions

  1. Planning schedule management
  2. Defining activities
  3. Estimating activity resources
  4. Activity sequencing
  1. milestone attributes
  2. items in an activity list
  3. items on a Gantt chart
  1. Discretionary
  2. Technical
  3. Mandatory
  4. External
  1. Finish-to-start
  2. Start-to-start
  3. Finish-to-finish
  4. Start-to-finish
  1. Duration and effort are synonymous terms.
  2. A resource breakdown structure is a hierarchical structure that identified the project's resource by category and type.
  3. A three-point estimate includes an optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic estimate.
  4. A Gantt chart is a common tool for displaying project schedule information.
  1. A white diamond
  2. A black arrow
  3. A white arrow
  4. A black diamond
  1. A Tracking Gantt chart
  2. A network diagram
  3. A Gantt chart
  4. A milestone chart
  1. Critical path method
  2. PERT
  3. A Gantt chart
  4. Crashing
  1. Fast tracking is a technique for making cost and schedule trade-offs to obtain the greatest amount of schedule compression for the least incremental cost.
  2. Growing grass was on the critical path for a large theme park project.
  3. The critical path is a series of activities that determine the earliest time by which a project can be completed.
  4. A forward pass through a project network diagram determines the early start and early finish dates for each activity.
  1. Critical chain scheduling
  2. Parkinson's Law
  3. Murphy's Law
  4. Critical path analysis
  1. Probabilistic and Deterministic
  2. Finish-start and Finish-finish
  3. Probabilistic and constrained
  4. Deterministic and constrained
  1. Finish-Start
  2. Finish-Finish
  3. Start-Finish
  4. Start-Start
  1. All of the above
  2. The WBS is done
  3. Activity sequencing
  4. Before scheduling development
  1. It is not the most commonly used method
  2. It is the only one that can find a critical path
  3. The U.S. Navy uses it
  4. It uses loops and conditional branches
  1. Parallel
  2. Serial
  3. Constraint
  4. PERT
  1. Those that stem from hard logic
  2. Those that are enforced by external parties
  3. Those that contain milestones
  4. Finish-Start relationships
  1. Activity on node and activity on arrow
  2. PERT and CPM
  3. PERT and CERT
  4. Activity on node and PDM
  1. An activity cannot start until another has finished
  2. An activity cannot start until another has started
  3. An activity cannot finish until another has finished
  4. An activity cannot finish until another has started
  1. Activity on arrow (AOA)
  2. Activity on node (AON)
  3. PDM
  4. CPM
  1. Using detail from previous similar projects
  2. The same as bottom-up estimating
  3. The term means nothing concerning estimating
  4. A subset of the GERT method
  1. Rearranging the schedule so that more activities are done in parallel
  2. Applying more resources to the critical path
  3. A Monte Carlo simulation
  4. A resource-leveling algorithm
  1. Add more resources to the critical path
  2. Result in meeting the original end date
  3. Prevent non-critical path activities from becoming critical
  4. Require that the WBS is revised
  1. Shows activities on a bar chart
  2. Shows only milestones
  3. It is the same as a AOA network diagram
  4. Is a method of presentation used in PERT scheduling
  1. Can be used to find the critical path
  2. Is only used for PERT
  3. Is only used for CPM
  4. Uses only finish-start relationships because it uses AON notation
  1. Accelerations and pauses used to tie activities together in a logical sequence
  2. A form of precedence diagramming
  3. Only used in start-start relationships
  4. Never used in finish-finish relationships

Author of lecture Project Time Management

 Grey Campus

Grey Campus

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Excerpts from the accompanying material

... The 7 processes of Project Time Management. What is the Schedule Management Plan document? What are activities, activities list, attributes, roll wave planning, and milestone lists? Why do you sequence project activities? What types ...

... Define Activities 6.3 Sequence Activities 6.4 Estimate Activity Resources 6.5 Estimate ...

... and documentation for planning, developing, managing, executing and controlling the project schedule. - Key benefit: provides guidance and ...

... model development, Level of accuracy, Units of measure, Organizational procedures link, Project schedule model maintenance, Control thresholds, Rules of performance measurement, Reporting formats, Process descriptions ...

... the specific actions to be performed to produce the project deliverables. - Key benefit: breaks the work packages ...

... Rolling Wave Planning: The process of planning near-term activities in great detail and longer-term activities at a high ...

... to complete the project. Sufficient detail that project team members understand what work is required. - Activity Attributes: Attributes that further define the activity such ...

... Techniques Outputs 1.Schedule management plan 2. Activity list 3. Activity attributes 4. Milestone list 5. Project scope statement 6. Enterprise environmental factors 7. Organizational process assets 1. Precedence diagramming ...

... constructing a schedule model - activities represented by nodes and graphically linked by one or more relationships to show ...

... A finished before B finishes, Start-to-Start (SS) - A starts before B ...

... Mandatory (hard): Contractually required, physical limitations Discretionary (soft): Preferred logic, arbitrary External: ...

... Project Document Updates may include: Activity list, Activity ...

Key benefit: Identifies the type, quantity, and characteristics of resources required to complete each activity. Scope Time Cost Quality HR Comm Risk Procure Stakeholder Integration InputsTools ...

2. Activity list 3. Activity attributes 4. Activity resource requirements 5. Resource calendars 6. Project scope statement 7. Risk register 8. Resource breakdown structure 9. Enterprise environmental factors 10. Organizational process assets 

... a reference for your project, making adjustments for known differences. Parametric Estimating, Rule of thumb (ex. Square feet in construction) ...

...27.5 Activity Standard Deviation (with 68% probability) (47-18)/6 = 4.83 Activity Variance [(Pessimistic -Optimistic)/6] 2 [(47-18)/6]2 = 23.36, Range of ...

... Duration Estimates: Estimated time it is expected to take to complete each ...

... 5. Activity resource requirements 6. Resource calendars 7. Activity duration estimates 8. Project scope statement 9. Risk register 10. Project staff assignments 11. Resource breakdown structure 12. Enterprise environmental factors 13. Organizational process assets 1. Schedule network analysis 2.Critical path method 3. Critical chain method 4. Resource optimization ...

...Calculate the possible start and finish times for activities by using a forward and backward pass analysis through the schedule network (*see Tool Kits), - Critical Chain Method: Takes the ...

... Lags: Head-start (Lead) and delay (Lag), - Schedule Compression Crashing: Exchange higher costs for shorter schedule duration ...

... Used as baseline for comparison to actual results, - Project Schedule: Planned start and finish dates for each ...

... plan 2. Project schedule 3. Work performance data 4. Project calendars 5. Schedule date 6. Organizational process assets 1. Performance reviews 2. Project management software 3. Resource optimization techniques 4. Modeling techniques 5. Leads and lags 6. Schedule compression ...

... Project Time Management: What is the Schedule Management Plan document; What are activities, activities list, attributes, roll wave planning, and milestone lists ?Why do you sequence project activities? What types of sequence activity ...