PMP - Risk Management by Whizlabs Software

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About the Lecture

The lecture PMP - Risk Management by Whizlabs Software is from the course Project Management Professional - Training. It contains the following chapters:

  • Introduction
  • Plan Risk Management
  • Identify Risks
  • Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis
  • Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
  • Plan Risk Responses
  • Control Risks

Included Quiz Questions

  1. Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
  2. Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis
  3. Determine Budgets
  4. Plan Risk Management
  1. Monte Carlo technique
  2. Design of experiment
  3. SWOT analysis
  4. Delphi
  1. Plan Risk management
  2. Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis
  3. Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
  4. Identify risks
  1. Primary risks
  2. Residual risks
  3. Qualified risks
  4. Secondary risks
  1. Qualified risks
  2. Residual risks
  3. Primary risks
  4. Secondary risks
  1. Risk Breakdown Structure
  2. Monte Carlo diagram
  3. List of risks
  4. Risk Management Plan
  1. Risk register documents all the risks in detail.
  2. Risks if they happen always have negative impact and not positive.
  3. When evaluating risks their impact should be considered, however probability of occurrence is not important.
  4. Risk response plan is another name for Risk Management Plan
  1. The organization wants to avoid high impact risks
  2. The organization gives equal weightage to all the risks
  3. The organization is risk averse
  4. The organization prefers to transfer the risk
  1. Work-around
  2. Accept strategy
  3. Risk avoidance
  4. Risk Mitigation
  1. $19000
  2. $21000
  3. $24000
  4. $20000
  1. Transfer
  2. Accept
  3. Avoid
  4. Mitigate
  1. Avoid
  2. Transfer
  3. Accept
  4. Mitigate
  1. Mitigate
  2. Avoid
  3. Transfer
  4. Accept
  1. Cost of procuring an insurance policy
  2. Risk probability
  3. Potential impact in terms of schedule delay
  4. Potential impact in terms of cost
  1. Expected monetary value
  2. Contingency budget
  3. Amount of “Management reserve: to be kept aside
  4. Planned value of the risk factor being analyzed.
  1. Control Risks
  2. Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
  3. Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis
  4. Plan Risk management
  1. Risk register
  2. Risk management plan
  3. Organizational process assets
  4. Watch list
  1. All the stakeholders
  2. Customers/Sponsors
  3. The project team
  4. The project manager
  1. Risk Reassessment
  2. Risk audits
  3. Variance and trend Analysis
  4. Reserve analysis
  1. Identify Risks
  2. Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
  3. Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis
  4. Plan Risk Responses

Author of lecture PMP - Risk Management

 Whizlabs Software

Whizlabs Software

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Excerpts from the accompanying material

... Risks may be good or bad. 11.1 Plan Risk Management ... and execute the risk management activities for a project. The primary output of this process a Risk management plan, which should be based on features of a project, such as size, complexity ...

... creating a list of risks in a Risk register, and then documenting their causes and potential responses. Various information gathering techniques & diagramming techniques are used for this process. Such as: Brain Storming: Collection and categorization of comprehensive list of project risks. Delphi Technique: Project experts participate anonymously; Facilitator solicits ideas about project risks. Interviewing of Subject Matter Experts, experienced project managers. Root Cause Identification: Grouping ...

... The components, at this stage are: List of Identified risks, List of potential responses, Root causes of risk, Updated risk categories. This document is further updated with qualitative & quantitative risk analysis processes and finally response strategies. 11.3 Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis ...

... Examination of impact of uncertainty of each project element is done by keeping all other uncertain elements at their baseline values. One typical display of sensitivity analysis is the tornado diagram, which is useful for comparing relative importance of variables that have a high degree of uncertainty to those that are more stable. Expected Monetary Value Analysis: In this is technique, a statistical concept is used to calculate the average outcome of threats ...

... Transfer: Transferring the risk gives another party responsibility for its management; it does not eliminate it. This is also called Deflection. Example: The use of a fixed price contract transfers the risk to the seller from buyer. This strategy is most effective when dealing with financial risk. Mitigation: An action to reduce the probability and/or impact of an adverse risk event to an acceptable threshold. ...

... Work Around: An unplanned response to get over/mitigate the risk. Workarounds should be less frequent than contingency plans. Risk Trigger: An indication that a risk has occurred or is about to occur. Risk Response: The planned series of efforts or events that are to occur in the event of a risk trigger being recognized or identified. ...