The Long Tail - Where Traffic Comes from by Ben Hunt

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About the Lecture

The lecture The Long Tail - Where Traffic Comes from by Ben Hunt is from the course SEO from Scratch (EN). It contains the following chapters:

  • Where Traffic comes from
  • Optimising for the Long Tail

Included Quiz Questions

  1. the vast majority of your traffic comes from complex phrases but most of that traffic will contain variations of your “head” terms.
  2. the vast majority of your traffic comes from your “head” terms and not from phrases with variations of your “head” terms.
  3. the minority of your traffic comes from complex phrases but most of that traffic will contain variations of your “head” terms.
  4. it is not clear where traffic actually comes from.
  1. More content could create more chances to match searches.
  2. Quality in content is much more important than quantity.
  3. Quantity of content is much more important than quality.
  4. Optimise your head terms first.
  5. Less content could create more chances to match searches.

Author of lecture The Long Tail - Where Traffic Comes from

 Ben Hunt

Ben Hunt

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